“28-year-old Peony was always proud of her healthy and smooth skin. Even after spending many times tanning at the beach, she easily got back her radiant look as her skin quickly regenerated. As time goes by, despite being a skin-care follower, going to the spa, owning all kinds of cosmetics from an early age, Peony still saw wrinkles and brown spots on her face.”
The reason why, though being well cared for, Peony’s skin still cannot avoid those wrinkles – the impact of nature: time?
Let find out what is really needed for your skin to fight aging, which maybe Peony doesn’t even know.
Do not let past 30 then begin to fight aging.
Start now if you want healthy skin after 40 when your skin still looks like at the tender age.
What is skin aging? Why and when does skin begin to age?
Usually, women can only see their skin aging when seeing signs such as wrinkles, sagging jaws, sagging skin, or the appearance of crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes, nasolabial folds. However, before these manifestations were discovered, the skin was affected by two aging processes: intrinsic and extrinsic processes for a long time.
Due to the effects of intrinsic aging, the body is unable to synthesize the essential ingredients to maintain the skin’s necessary elasticity: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid… The effects of external exposure factors: ultraviolet rays, bacteria, dust, pressure on the skin… together with inappropriate skin care routines make the intrinsic organs which gives the skin its elasticity and youthfulness weakened.
| It is hard to say at what age our skin begins to age. However, from the age of 18, everything from the food and drink we consume to what we are exposed to can affect our intrinsic aging process. At any age, your skin is always affected by this aging process, just as fast or slow.
Food, which is broken down by enzymes in the digestive organs into smaller compounds, is absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and transported to where it is needed. Under the skin’s surface, blood capillaries regard as the most important organs that help transport these essential nutrients and synthesize them into components which support and maintain the skin’s youthfulness as known as collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, ceramide…
Knowing the nature of the skin, along with the credit information below about the vital parts that maintain the skin youthfulness, you will probably find yourself safe and effective anti-aging solutions:
- From the outside: Take care of your skin with scientific solutions to avoid putting pressure on your skin while maintaining its protective function.
- From the inside: supplement necessary nutrients from food to synthesize collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, ceramide …
At the epidermis/ stratum corneum, where all the components of the ” barrier” are gathered – isolating the internal parts of the skin from the aging effects from the outside, most notably Ceramide .
- Ceramide
Ceramide is the chain of major lipid linkages in the epidermis. In conjunction with the other stratum corneum lipids, they form ordered structures. These linkages play a barrier role to maintain the protective function of the skin.
Thus, among various noteworthy factors to prevent from the extrinsic aging, ceramide should be the first factor to be considered. We should always make sure this ceramide structure stable, complete and healthy. A well-functioning ceramide structure can help:
- Protect and prevent factors that cause aging from outside such as ultraviolet rays, bacteria, …
- Maintain moisture under the skin surface and prevent your skin from drying out..
And when the moisture under the skin maintains stable, other organs and functional parts will perform their role well, contributing to the healthy and smooth skin from the inside.
Figure 1. Structure of ceramides and its protective role in the epidermis
The dermis, where all the components: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, etc. are gathered, create the “cushion” that supports the upper skin structure and maintains the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.
Figure 2. Collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin in the dermis
- Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid has the ability to hold up to 1,000 times its molecular size in water. Therefore, in the dermis, Hyaluronic is a key component to help maintain deep moisture. As we often say “You are what you eat,” then “Your skin moisture measured by how much Hyaluronic Acid you have got under the skin?”
Besides its high content of water, the position and structure of Hyaluronic Acid in the dermis help in providing a circular “cushion” network of collagen fibers, “lubricating” to help these collagen fibers move and slide in order to smoothly perform its function – maintain skin elasticity. And thanks to its exceptional water retention capacity, HA makes the supporting network to stabilize, well-functioned, and reduce structural damage.
Thus, to prevent skin aging, Hyaluronic Acid allows:
- Maintain moisture below skin surface
- Support and lubricate to ensure the inner working of youth maintenance in the dermis in a good and durable operation.
Figure 3. Illustration of Hyaluronic Acid function in the dermis
- Collagen
Collagen is chains of amino acid bonds twisted together to form elastic fibers. Collagen acts under the skin as fibers that connect and link tissues and muscles to help them withstand stretching. For example, when we smile, the facial muscles move and need elasticity of collagen to be able to return to the previous position. When wrinkles appeared, it was shown that at these locations the collagen bonds were broken and were not replenished for timely recovery.
Figure 4. Collagen structure under the skin
Collagen has a very large molecular structure and is difficult to penetrate the surface skin normally. Therefore, collagen deficiency is the direct and most dangerous cause, leading to the formation of wrinkles that are difficult to recover.
In skin care, in order to fight aging, to rejuvenate aging skin, collagen supplementation is the most effective and important. However, the ability to penetrate from the surface of the skin is limited and the body’s ability to synthesize collagen declines over time, so the addition of collagen to the skin is always difficult and costly. However, correctly understanding and carefully choosing options, women can still find the appropriate solutions for themselves.
After understanding what skin really needs to be able to combat the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Women can balance and find the right solution for themselves to ensure anti-aging:
- From the outside: Use anti-aging skincare products that have additional ingredients such as ceramide, collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, vitamin C … and limit direct exposure to the sun.
- From the inside: Consume a balanced, varied and complementary source of foods that are high in vitamins, and foods that bring in many essential amino acids and lipid, helping the body to synthesize collagen, Hyaluronic, Ceramide, elastin … under the skin.
The recommended foods below contain the essential compounds for women:
Sources of Hyaluronic Acid:
Nước hầm xương và các loại rau củ xanh đậm – Nguồn thực phẩm giàu Hyaluronic Acid
- Bone Broth: Broth from animal products like chicken combs/cartilage. Because the bones are simmered in water over a period of 24 hours, it leaches nutrients, including hyaluronic acid, from the bones and adds them to the water.
- Soy-Based Foods: An increase of estrogen from soy may help production of HA by the body.
- Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits all contain naringenin, which inhibits the breakdown of HA in the body. In addition to fruits like oranges and grapefruits, tomatoes and bananas contain naringenin as well.
- Leafy Greens: Foods like leafy greens contain magnesium, which is a necessary catalyst to help with HA production in the body. Other foods that are high in magnesium include avocado, nuts, fruits and seeds.
- Starchy Root Vegetables: These foods include potatoes, sweet potatoes and other tubers such as jicama and Jerusalem artichoke. These foods are also great sources of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin C, all of which are great for our bodies.
Sources of Ceramide:
In order for the body to naturally produce ceramide, we can consider adding healthy fats to our daily diet from natural products.
Wheat and wheat products which are rich in essential fats for ceramide synthesis.
- Sphingolipids – a type of fat containing ceramide found in dairy, eggs and soy products.
- Phytoceramides, a plant-derived ceramide found specifically in wheat, brown rice, spinach, and beetroot, can also help the body synthesize and replenish ceramide to the skin.
Sources of Collagen
According to a 2012 study on nutrition and aging, it is reported that fruits and vegetables are the safest and healthiest method to enhance skin health. In addition, because dietary supplements need to be used in the proper way and in an appropriate amount, it is safer to use traditional food supplements to boost collagen.
Eating protein-rich foods helps create amino acids, which are building blocks of proteins and make up collagen. There are 3 important amino acids for collagen synthesis: proline, lysine and glycine.
Eating a variety of protein-rich foods helps your body synthesize amino acids
Traditional collagen-rich foods / boost collagen production:
- Bone broth, chicken, fish, especially catfish
- Egg-white
- Citrus fruits, berries
- All kind of beans
- Dark leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, lettuce, etc.
- All kind of beans and nuts: chickpeas, red beans, etc.
![]() | “Peony becomes confident and calm down to find the safest and longest-lasting anti-aging solution for herself. Hope all of you will also find yourselves the most scientific and appropriate solution.”